Knowledges which are not abstract

Whether in books or Wikipedia: A lot of knowledge is presented and edited as text. There is the assumption that this text reflects something about the world (if it is true and not wrong because of deceived senses, bad research, or lying). Such text can be written by a person …

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Visual Representations of Knowledge

You know the »list of figures« in academic works. But do you know the »list of texts«? 1 This seems silly, since in almost any (academic) work you have a one text which tells the main content. It may be occasionally supported by images, diagrams or tables if such information …

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Kill Big Words

Each day they are in my Twitter feed, on Facebook, on Hacker News: Articles, suggesting to embrace failure, to develop empathy as an UX research skill and to treat design holistically.

They seem like useful advices. They may come in the best intentions.

Just do it

But the only thing …

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